Alternative Hair Foundation I (CR101)
Alternative Hair Foundation I is designed to provide a proven fast-track method to understand | apply the fundamental principles of alternative hair from an artists paradigm. Whether you currently offer alternative hair products and services at your business or have a desire to start your journey, Sherri Renée empowers you to gain the knowledge, tools, and confidence necessary to master this growing industry.
With over 25 years behind-the-chair experience in the Fine Art and Design of Alternative Hair, Sherri Renée offers a unique paradigm as both an artist and a designer that many creative hair professionals connect with.
Education is provided through visual presentations, demos, hands-on practicals, and sharing. Topics include:
Rethink: Alternative Hair As An Artform
Psychology of Alternative Hair
Principles of Hair Architecture & Design
How to Conduct a Consultation
Design | Ordering Simplification (using our Designer Toolbox)
Chiaroscuro Color Design
Cutting & Styling Techniques
Alternative Hair Care
We recommend that participants have a minimum of two (2) years behind-the-chair experience and possess a strong desire to learn alternative hair as an art form.